Monday, May 21, 2012

Why I Am Doing This

      The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (a.k.a. The Mormons) has a diet code called The Word of Wisdom, that was given by revelation to the prophet Joseph Smith in February of 1833.  Now, over 175 years later, medical science has caught up with the wisdom contained in this standard, and is proving it to be the best diet for a healthy life.  The diet, or better called, lifestyle, if adhered to, consists of a diet of grains with added fruits and vegetables, using meat very sparingly.  The code does not mention dairy products at all, but this could be because milk from animals was intended for the newborns of each species, and no animal on the planet (except for man) drinks milk of any kind after it's weaned, and certainly wouldn't think of drinking milk from another species.  Regardless of whether one chooses to use dairy products or not (depending on their own interpretation of the Word of Wisdom), we need to understand that current research does not support it as a needed element in a healthy diet.  Quite the contrary, many of our current chronic ailments can be traced to the overconsumption of dairy products.  
        My purpose here is not to spend time bashing any other diet, but to promote The Word of Wisdom as it is written, and to encourage others who may wish to live it, also.  It's a daunting prospect to think of changing our habits, whatever they are, and I want to help others find ways to easily incorporate the principles of a plant-based diet, by sharing what I am learning about this subject.  I invite everyone to do their own research, but I will say that, believing as I do that Joseph Smith was an inspired prophet of God, I compare other diets to The Word of Wisdom, and when they teach ideas that fall outside those guidelines, I discard them and move on.  

If blogger allows me to do it, I will post my power point presentation to lay a groundwork for where I will go with this blog.  Once you understand where I'm coming from, the recipes I share will make sense.  

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